Welcome to All Season Snow Globe!

Welcome to All Season Snow Globe!

Linda Sattgast

I'm Linda Sattgast, your instructor for this class on creating unique cards or scrapbook pages using snow globes or glass globes. I released the first version of this class in 2005, and it was really popular then, but in this version I entirely redid the templates, updated the information with fresh ideas, and added more how-to videos with new options.

Download Templates, Manual, and Files

Everything in the class is downloadable. To download the zipped files, right click on a download image or link and choose one of the save options. You'll need to extract the contents of zipped files after you download them. If you don't know how to extract files, open a browser and type "how to unzip files" into a search field.

Watch the Videos

Click on the links in the navigation on the right to go to the videos. If you have any questions about this class or the video instructions, click on the Class Support button on the right. Be sure to download the manual that goes with the videos. It gives you step-by-step written instructions for everything I demonstrate in the video.

To download the videos, click on the download button under the video.

Enjoy creating imaginative pages with these ideas!

Love and scrapbooking success,

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