Archived Layers --> READ FIRST

In this section of Digital Scrapbooking Mastery I'll show you how to archive the items that you've created in this class.

Notes and tips:

  • Anything you create in Photoshop or Photoshop Elements, does not need to be credited on your scrapbook page. It's allll yours! It's polite, but not necessary, however, to credit the class or tutorial from which you created it.
  • In this class, I recommend archiving your created objects in a folder that is then placed with your other scrapbooking supplies. My folder is called By Me.
  • When naming your archived objects, I recommend saving them with the same name as the video you used to create them. That will be a handy reference if you ever want to go back later.
  • Lesson 12 of this class does not have an archiving video associated with it. That's because the custom text box we created in Lesson 12 is specific to the design of this specific scrapbook page. It would not be useful in another design.

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