Assignment for Lesson 2

Assignment for Lesson 2

Choose just the right letter for your lesson page and get it situated.

What's the right letter for the lesson page? For my lesson page, I used the letter B because I'm planning to use Beautiful for my title. In my other Lesson Page examples, I used an S for the first letter of Swim and a Y for the end of Lily's name. What letter YOU choose will depend on the title you plan to give your page.

Steps for completing this assignment:

  • Decide on a title for your page.
  • Decide which letter of that title you will use for the letter grid.
  • Following the steps in Lesson 2, recreate the letter grid using your chosen letter.
  • Position your letter so that it's over the subject of the photo.

Here are three examples:

Make sure to keep your Lesson Page saved in the Class-Files folder. We'll be using it in Lesson 3.

Additional Tips

  • Your letter can use up to six grid squares on the long edge. My letter B uses a 4x3 grid. But my S and Y use a 3x3 grid. It's up to you!
  • Offsetting the gridlines on your letter makes it look more interesting. Give it a try!

Do not post your Lesson Page results in Community until after Lesson 4.

Complete and Continue