Welcome & How to Proceed with this Class

Welcome to Class - I am thrilled you are here!

I LOVE filters and use them regularly in my designs. One of my favorite things about them, is the unexpected results I get each time I run a filter. It reminds me of painting with watercolors, they are unpredictable but can yield incredible results. And the more you play with them the better you understand them and all their quirks!

This class was so much fun for me to put together, and I can't wait to see what you think!

This Class Is Part of a Series:

  • Scrapping with Filters is a class series designed to remove the mystery from Photoshop's filters and teach you to fall in love with their possibilities. 
  • The Pointillize Effect is the second class in the series. 
  • More classes will be added to this series as time allows.

How To Proceed

  • Follow the lectures in the order they appear in the classroom.
  • Section 1 of this class contains the Pointillize Effect instructional videos. Please use MY photo and image to complete the lessons. 
  • Complete Section 1 before moving on to Section 2.
  • Section 2 contains challenges to help solidify the Pointillize Effect technique. Please use MY supplies to complete the challenges.
  • After completing both the lessons and the challenges, I encourage you to step out on your own using the Pointillize technique on your own photos, elements, and papers.

Complete and Continue