Lesson 2: Filter Magic
Scrapping with Filters: The Pointillize Effect Manual
Step-by-step, Lesson 2: Filter Magic
Use the Dry Brush and Pointillize filters to turn an altered photo into a painted background.
- This lecture contains two videos, one for Photoshop Elements & one for Adobe Photoshop.
- Manuals can be downloaded below each video.
- These lessons are equipped with Closed Captioning, to turn it on, click on the CC icon at the bottom edge of the video.
Instructor Notes:
Here's some common troubleshooting for this lesson:
-- Make sure you reset your Color Chips at the beginning of this lesson.
-- If things look wonky, try restarting your program or computer.
-- In the Filter Gallery dialog box, there should only be one filter showing in the bottom-left corner. If you have additional filters present, drag them to the Trash icon.
ATTN: Photoshop Users
The newest update to Photoshop (2020 v21.2) has a collapsed Filter menu by default.
To expand the Filter menu so you see the Filter Gallery groups and names:
• Press Ctrl K (Mac: Cmd K) to get Preferences.
• Choose Plug-ins and check the box next to Show All Filter Gallery Groups and Names.
• Click OK.