Right Edge Cluster: Step 2
Here is one possible example of an edge cluster along the right side of a page using the five elements provided. This is an average design.
NOTE: I added the white paper behind so that I’d have something to clip my elements to. The paper is not included in the downloads. The image above only shows part of my 12x12 document.
Evaluate My Cluster—Here’s What I Did
Remember, it’s okay if your process of cluster creation is different than mine.
NOTE: The white background paper shown here was only included to provide better visibility for my edge design process.
- The focus of my cluster is the flower.
- Following the guidelines from Step One, I positioned the flower on the right edge of the document.
- The flower is hanging about halfway off (as indicated by the blue arrow) and it's angled.
- I made sure the little leaves on the flower are peeking onto the page.
- I added a high drop shadow.
- I duplicated the flower and reduced it in size. Again, I made sure to include the interesting details of the stem on the page.
- The angle of the small flower is slightly different than the angle of the larger flower.
- Working down, I added the leaves behind the flowers.
- I left the size of the leaves nice and big, which gave my cluster nice fill but provided plenty of opportunity to let part of the leaves fall off the edge of the document.
- I made sure the leaves were touching both flowers.
- The leaves were given a medium-sized shadow.
- Next, I added the thread behind the flower and leaves and gave it a medium shadow.
- The thread generously helped to expand the height of the cluster along the edge of the document.
- I added more thread by duplicating the first one and rotating it. You can see from the selection outline how much of the second thread layer is off the document.
- Now there are three places in the cluster where you see the thread. This introduces the design principle of the Rule of Odds into the cluster.
- I added the frame next.
- The angle of the frame is different than all the other elements and it’s hanging half off the document.
- Because the frame is an anchoring element, I gave it a low drop shadow and made sure it was touching all the other elements.
- Finally, I added the doily behind the other elements as an additional anchor.
- I made sure that the doily came in contact with all the other elements in the cluster.
- The position of the doily gives the cluster additional height.
- I applied a low drop shadow to the doily, but then I reduced the opacity of the shadow down to 30% since it’s a lacy white element.
Putting the Cluster to the Test
When creating my edge cluster, I tried to keep the clip illustration from Step One in mind. Here is what my cluster looks like when compared to the illustration.
How does it rate? Are my elements widely angled? Are all my elements being pinched by the clip? I think it passes.
Finally, here is my cluster in relation to the full 12x12 document.
Step Two: Copy My Cluster Exactly
- Take the time to create an exact copy of my edge cluster above. Use the elements I provided.
- Pay special attention to the order and position of each layer and element.
- Follow the advice of drop shadow depth for each of the five elements.
More Inspiration
Did you happen to try the Additional Challenges above? I had a little bit of time to play. For some extra practice, try copying these designs as well.
Here are two variations my edge cluster using the five elements provided. The first one is more of a thin rectangular shape, while the second one is more triangular.
These variations are more minimal, using only two or three elements from the ones provided.
What’s Your Preference?
Which of my additional clusters do you like best? Your answer might help you narrow down what your style preference is when it comes to clusters.
ATTENTION: Please do not post your results of Step Two on the class Facebook Group. Doing so may sideline the creative process for your fellow classmates.
If you’re mega excited to share your result of Step Two, I’d love to see it. You can
email it to me or send it via the Help Desk.CAUTION: Don’t rush to Step Three until you’ve successfully completed Step Two.