Word Strip Cluster: Part 3
Here is another word strip cluster I created for this lesson. This cluster is very similar to the first one I made, but I used a different set of elements.
Step Three: Scraplift
What does it mean to scraplift? In this class, “scraplift” means to copy another person’s design using elements from your own stash.
- Choose five elements from your stash that are similar to the ones provided in this lesson. For help choosing your own elements, re-read Why These Five Elements from Step One.
- Using your five chosen elements, create a word strip cluster similar to mine in Step Three.
TIP: It doesn’t take much to make a beautiful word strip cluster. Less is definitely more in this case. You may feel like you are creating something way too simple, but resist the urge to overdo it. It’s what the cluster says that’s important and wherever you place it on your project, it will make a huge impact.
Word Strip Creation Tips
Some designers will give you blank word strips to add your own sentiments to. But, before you do, here are a few tips.
- The word or words should fill the strip leaving just a small amount of room on each end. If you have extra room, use the Rectangular Marquee tool and delete the excess.
- To increase the length of a word or phrase, increase the Tracking (PS Only).
- Use single words or word phrases, not complete sentences.
Never Do This:
- Do not stretch type.
- Do not add a bevel style to a word strip or type.
- If using all capital letters, do not use a script font.
Check Up
- Is your cluster primarily comprised of word strips? Word strip clusters are the theme of lesson five.
- Does your cluster contain a variety of textures?
- Did you stick to a coordinating color theme? Try using elements from the same kit or use my FREE Color Change tutorial (from Lesson 1) to make them match.
- If you angled a word strip, it is angled 5° or less?
- Did you apply your cluster's drop shadows appropriately? Use my Drop Shadows chart in Step Two as a guide. If you used my action set, do you see a stoplight?