Introduction to Before You Go
From the Manual
- Memories fade, that’s why we create photo books.
- This module can also be called “I'm Back.”
- Go to the Downloads page to get the Worksheet.
From the Transcript
My family loves to sit and reminisce about the adventures we've had on family vacations. We don’t really care about how long were were gone, how far we traveled, or even how much money it cost.
We want to remember what we saw, the amazing food we ate, how much we laughed, and how much we truly enjoyed each other’s company.
But, here’s the kicker. Everyone forgets.
That’s why we bring out the photo books and scrapbooks. They bring back memories, stir up emotions of awe and excitement, and gather us together as a family once again. It’s magical.
In this Before You Go series of videos we’ll work through some simple steps to prepare you and your travel companions for optimal success when you are ready to sit down and create an album of your next grand adventure.
By the way, I’ve entitled this module Before You Go, but think of it as a two part title.
It should really say, Before You Go or I’m Back! Not everything can be planned for. This series of videos will not only assume that you have yet to travel. Many of the videos will include steps and tips for gathering things you need to create for an album from an adventure already traveled.
In the downloads for this class you’ll find a Before You Go worksheet. You can print this worksheet out or use it as a fill-in PDF to be saved on your computer. Here you can make notes of answers, ideas, and inspiration as you work through this module. So, grab the worksheet now and let’s get started.