Making the Final Check

From the Manual

Check Spelling in Photoshop Elements

  • Open a completed template (File > Open).
  • In the Layers panel, double click on the thumbnail of the type layer to highlight the text of that layer.
  • Press Ctrl C (Mac: Cmd C) to copy the text.
  • Open a program that has automatic spellcheck enabled.
  • Press Ctrl V (Mac: Cmd V) to paste the text.
  • If there are errors, choose to change them or ignore them.
  • When finished paste the altered text in replacement of the original text, or click Esc if there were no errors.
  • Repeat with each additional type layer in the document.

Check Spelling in Adobe Photoshop

  • Open a completed template (File > Open).
  • In the Menu bar, choose Edit > Check Spelling.
  • Photoshop will prompt you if it thinks something is misspelled.
  • You can Change or Ignore any abnormalities.
  • When finished, click OK.

Check for Grammatical Errors

  • Open a completed template (File > Open).
  • On the document, read all the sentences out loud.
  • Consider having a trusted friend read the sentences.

Check for Missing Effects

  • Open a completed template (File > Open).
  • On the document, search for missing or mis-colored stroke outlines.
  • In the Layers panel, check for any missing effects icons. All the clipping masks should have an effect.
  • If you’ve placed any shadowed objects on your pages, this would be a great time to check those as well.

Check for Skewed Photos

  • Open a completed template (File > Open).
  • On the document, check the clipping masks and make sure all the masks are covered completely with photos.

Check for Glaring Errors

  • Open a completed template (File > Open).
  • Zoom out (Ctrl/Cmd 0) so you can see the entire layout.
  • Check the photos again for any that need straightened, lightened or desaturated.
  • Don’t over fuss, but make sure to spend some time with this task. 

From the Transcript

I trust you’ve had the wisdom to put your photo book pages away for a day or two. If so, now we are ready to make our final check. My Making It Final Checklist can be found at the bottom of the Stories from the Road worksheet.

The very first thing you need to look for is spelling errors. If you use Photoshop, you can do that easily by going into the Menu bar and choosing Edit > Check Spelling. This will check your entire document, not just one layer. If using Elements, the best thing you can do is to highlight the text in a type layer by double-clicking on its thumbnail, then copy and paste the text into any program that will instantly spellcheck for you.

This could be a word processing program like Microsoft Word or Apple Pages or even just an email. The key is that the program you use needs to have automatic spell checking enabled. If there are errors, fix them. Then with the type layer still containing highlighted text, paste the fixed copy back in and commit the change. If there are no errors, escape out of the type box and then move to the next type layer and repeat.

The next thing to check for is missing words or grammatical errors. Any copyeditor will tell you that the most efficient way to spot those is by reading the sentences out loud. And when I say out loud, I mean in a regular speaking voice, like what I’m doing right now. Whispering or saying it to yourself does not work as well.

The third thing to search for is missing or mis-colored stroke outlines. This is a biggie for me as it’s very easy to accidentally move or delete a stroke effect on a layer. You can do this by searching your finished pages, but I also find it helpful to check the Layers panel for any missing effects icons. In my template set, all the clipping masks should have an effect. If you’ve placed any shadowed objects on your pages, this would be a great time to check those as well.

Forth, check the clipping masks in your pages and make sure that all the masks are covered completely with photos. Again, it’s very easy to accidentally drag a photo away from the edge of a clipping mask without noticing.

And finally, step back and take a look at your pages as a whole. Do you see any photos that need to be straightened? How about any that need to be lightened? You might even see some that, after a second look, appear way too saturated. Now is the time to fix those.

The whole final check stage can take some time and honestly, the more time you devote to it, the happier you will end up being with your final product. There’s no need to fuss and fuss, but at least make sure all your bases are covered. So once you make your final checks, it’s time to move on to processing. I’ll see you there. 

Complete and Continue