Part 5, Working with Templates, Elements

The Fundamentals
Part 5, Working With Templates, Elements

Here's what you'll find in Part 5:
How To Replace an Element
How To Borrow a Layer Style

NOTE: The manual can be found in Part 1. The video is not downloadable.

Watch the Video:

How To Replace an Element

  • To determine which element corresponds with which layer, in the Layers panel, click on the Visibility icons of the element layers to toggle them on and off.
  • In the Layers panel, click on the element layer you'd like to replace.
  • Open an element (File > Open).
  • Get the Move tool.
  • Click and drag the element onto the template and over the element you're replacing.
  • To transform the element, press Ctrl T (Mac: Cmd T).
    • To resize, click and drag on the corner handles of the bounding box.
    • To reposition, click and drag inside the bounding box.
    • To rotate, hover your cursor over a corner handle of the bounding box until you see a curved, double-headed arrow, then click and drag.
    • Click the checkmark to commit the change.
  • In the Layers panel, click on the Visibility icons of the replaced elements layers to hide them.

How To Borrow a Layer Style

  • In the Layers panel, hold down the Alt key (Mac: Opt key) and click and drag a copy of an existing layer style to another layer.
  • If needed, double click on the duplicate layer style to open the dialog box. Adjust the settings and click OK.

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