Custom Shadow, Step 1, Option 1: Build a Shadow Manually

Custom Shadow, Step 1
Option 1: Build a Shadow Manually

Learn the details of what makes a good custom shadow from beginning to end.

  • Download the FND-CustomShadow-Worksheet. Use this worksheet to follow along with any of the 5 videos in this series.
  • Download the DS-CustomShadow-Manual. This manual contains PS and PSE step-by-step instructions for all 5 videos in this series.
  • The videos in this series are not downloadable. They are recorded in PSE, but the instructions are exactly the same for PS, except where noted.
  • See the Cheatsheet below the video.

Manual Custom Shadow Cheatsheet
(see the manual for step-by-step instructions)

  1. Add Color
    1. Drag a duplicate layer below the target layer and rename it Custom Shadow.
    2. Fill the duplicate layer's pixels with black.
  2. Add Spacing
    1. Fit the document to the viewing area.
    2. Move the shadow down 5 clicks and to the right 3 clicks.
  3. Add Blending
    1. Set the Opacity to 40%.
    2. Set the Blend Mode to Multiply.
  4. Add Blur
    1. Add a 5 px blur with the Gaussian Blur filter.
  5. Transform
    1. Use Warp or the Smudge Tool to transform the shadow. Instructions can be found in Step 2 of this tutorial series.

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