Resize An Image

Now and then you’ll need to resize an image. It’s rare that we need to make an image larger, but we often need to downsize an image to put it on the web or to send via email. Here’s how to do it using the Image Size dialog box.

Video 03-08: Resize An Image (2:35)

Now and then you'll need to resize a layered document. It's rare that we need to make an image larger, but we often need to downsize an image to put it on the web, or to send via email.

To demonstrate, I'll be using the layered image I created in the lesson called Type Tool Titles. If you didn't follow along and create that image or didn't save it, you can use my saved image, which you'll find in the Part 3 lesson eight practice folder. If you use my practice image, you'll probably get a font warning, so follow my instructions from the lesson called missing font warning to either change the type or use the existing type.

Here's how to downsize your image. Always start by duplicating your document. You'll want to save the original and if you start messing with the size or flatten it and then save it and close it, you'll lose the original image. And believe me, this does happen, and it's always sad when it does. To duplicate your image, in the Menu Bar choose File, Duplicate. When the dialog box comes up, click Okay. You can decide later whether to save it.

To resize your image, in the Menu Bar, choose Image, Resize, Image Size. The shortcut is Ctrl Alt I in Windows or Command Option I on a Mac. I resize so often that I have the shortcut memorized. When the dialog box comes up, check Resample Image. You can't change the number of pixels and the size unless you check Resample Image. You always want to check Constrain Proportions so your image stays proportional. And also check Scale Styles. If that's not checked, your image will resize but the styles won't change in size. And usually that doesn't look good. So check all three of these.

Now I can change the width to three inches. And when I do that the height changes proportionately to 2.25 inches, the resolution stays the same and the pixel dimensions are reduced. By the way, if you ever want to reset your settings to the original size, press the Alt key in Windows or the Option key on a Mac and that will turn the Cancel button into a Reset button. This trick works on a lot of dialog boxes, so keep it in mind. But I'll just click Okay to change the size of my document. So that's how to resize a layered document, or any kind of image for that matter, layered or not.

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