Bold Justified Title

Learn how to perfectly line up multiple layers of big bold type to create a great title or quote. You’ll be using the Ruler and Guides to help line up your title properly.

Video 07-07: Bold Justified Title (5:23)

In our last lesson we learned how to create justified type using a text box. If you want to create a bold, justified title, though, it's easier to do using multiple text layers. Let me show you how.

If you want to follow along you'll find this image called little owl.jpg in the Part 7, lesson seven practice folder. This kind of title works best with large, thick fonts. So I have the Type tool selected. And I've already chosen Arial Bold for my font. It's set to a large size, 45 points with left alignment, and I've chosen the color white because I have a dark background.

This kind of title often works best if you use all caps. So start by pressing the Caps Lock key. On your document, click to create a type layer and type your first word or words. I'll type the word Whooo typing the letter O three times because after all, this is an owl, and then I'll commit the type.

To duplicate the type layer you could press Ctrl J in Windows or Command J on a Mac, but that puts the layer above the current layer. For the sake of keeping things orderly, I'll press Ctrl Z in Windows or Command Z on a Mac to undo, and this time, I'll press Alt in Windows or Option on a Mac and click and drag down a copy of the type layer, letting go of the mouse just below the original type layer.

To activate the type, double click on the thumbnail of the new type layer. To move the type, press the Ctrl key in Windows, the Command key on a Mac, to activate a Transform outline. Click inside the outline, add the Shift key to maintain a straight direction, and drag down to the desired location. Move this a little below the original type layer. Let go of the mouse and then let go of the keyboard keys while the type is still active.

Type the next line of your title. I'll type "are you" and then commit the type. Repeat this process until you have a complete title made up of one to three words per line.

Now you're ready to justify your title by making each line of the title the same width. Get the Move tool and make sure Auto Select is checked in Tool Options. Decide which line will be your target width and activate that layer by clicking on it. I'll choose the first layer with the word Whooo. If your rulers aren't showing, activate them now. In the Menu Bar, choose View, Rulers. Also make sure that View, Snap To Layers is checked.

Zoom into your title and click and drag out a guide from the left ruler. Place it at the end of the word who make sure it snaps to the edge of the word. Drag out another guide from the left ruler and place it at the beginning of the word Whooo. Now your job is to fit all other type layers inside the same guides.

Start by making sure the left side of the word lines up with the left guide. The word Kid isn't quite lining up. So I'll make it the active layer and use my left arrow key to bump it over a little bit until it lines up with the guide. The line above it is a couple pixels to the right, as well. So I'll just move that over a bit. Now I can use the Transform tool to resize each line to fit inside the guides. Click on a line of type to activate its layer, press Ctrl T in Windows or Command T on a Mac to get Transform options. Click and drag from a corner handle to resize the type so that it's right up against the edge. And you may have to zoom way in here so that you can see to line it up perfectly. And it's going to want to jump a bit there. So sometimes I have to zoom in really far in order for it to line up perfectly. Go ahead and click on the checkmark to commit the change.

Repeat this with other lines of type as I've done here. The space between the type layers will probably need adjusting. So use the Move tool and the arrow keys to fine tune the spacing using the arrow keys there, and here. I'll click with the Move tool, press Shift and drag that up a little ways and that's looking pretty good right there. To get rid of the guide, in the Menu Bar choose View, Clear Guides.

To resize all the type layers at the same time, in the Layers panel select all your type layers by clicking on one and Shift clicking on the last one. Get the Transform tool and click and drag from a corner handle to resize. I'm going to make this a little bit smaller. Let's move it over. And I'm actually going to make my type a little taller by clicking on the top middle handle and dragging up a bit. Click on the checkmark to commit the change.

So that's how you create a bold title with justified sides.

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