Part 6 Project: Photo Fixes & Effects
Put your new photo editing knowledge into practice. You get to pick from up to four photos to fix or enhance.
NOTE: Please edit the photos before watching the next video where I show how I made my edits. You’ll learn more if you try it yourself first!
Watch this video to see the “rules” of the project.
Video 06-09: Part 6 Project: Photo Fixes & Effects (0:52)
It's time for our Part 6 project. This entire section has been about editing photos. So in your project, you get to, guess what? Edit photos of course! You'll find four photos in your Part 6, lesson nine practice folder. Look at each photo and figure out what needs to be fixed. Choose at least one photo and fix it using the techniques you've learned in Part 6.
For even more practice, try fixing all of them. Do your best to fix them before watching the next lesson, which is called Watch Me Edit. I'll tell you what I think is wrong with each photo and then I'll fix it without saying anything more. I'll use techniques I've already taught you, so there's no need for me to say anything.
In any case, you'll be able to see exactly what I do. Okay, are you ready? Go for it!