Test Your Skills 4

Test Your Skills

Trapped Space

Trapped space can be a hard concept to wrap your mind around, so in this challenge you’ll have a chance to sharpen your skill in finding and fixing trapped space.

Trapped Space Analogy

Let’s start by looking at an analogy. Here’s a photo of a beautiful bouquet of flowers held by a bride, but what do your eyes zero in on almost instantly? If you’re like me you immediately notice the spot on the skirt of her wedding dress.

You’re pretty sure the spot shouldn’t be there. It’s really odd. Your eyes run over the rest of the dress and the flowers noting how pretty everything is, but your eye keeps bouncing back to the spot, even as you try to dismiss it.

You might even say to yourself, “Her dress would look a lot better without that spot.”

Source of Trapped Space

Trapped space on a scrapbook page is like that spot. It’s an illogical break between two things that should go together (lack of Proximity) or it’s a pocket of space that’s isolated from the rest of the space on your page (illogical White Space).

Let’s look at some examples of trapped space.

Sample page

Trapped Space #1

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